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Sick Kitty?


Carol I have a 3yr. old spade female indoor cat.I found her at the side of a road she was aprox. 5 weeks she had a serious respitory infection and multi other problems, I had her taken care of and here we are almost 3 yrs later.  I have recently noticed when she moves her bowels there is sometimes blood stuck on her rear end. She seems fine still eating and playing as usual. If you have any ideas what may cause this please let me know.  Thanks Tracey


It sounds like it may be intestinal parasites. There are also number of different kinds of worms she could have also. I would take her to the vet for a stool sample.

If you get wormer I would get it from a vet and not over the counter. The worm medicine you buy the worms are becoming immune to it. The vet would have the 'latest and greatest' products.

When you see blood that is not normal and it's best to have a vet exam her.
