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Hate Being a Mom


Hi, I have a short-hair domestic kitty who just became a mom about six months ago. At the time of birth she was about a year and a half old.

She was somewhat protective of the babies in the beginning, no one but myself was allowed to close to them. And even that was kept to a minimium. She nursed them regularly, bathed them, made sure they pooped after they ate, and once they got a little older she played with them.

When the babies became really independent, I'd say around two months old, she started to become very aggressive when they tried to creep in a for a suckle. Of course I thought this was normal, she couldn't allow them to nurse forever.  

There were 4 babies and I kept one. Cam (this is the mother)is soo mean to her. If the baby gets too close to Cam, she starts this low growl and if the baby comes closer, she's sure to get attacked. I reprimand Cam most times I catch her doing this. I was convinced she's not really hurting her. But there had been a couple of times I'd walk in and have to pull Cam's claws from the baby's ear. But the baby is not dismayed, she'll harrass her mother to no end. Although, it appears that her feelings get hurt sometimes. They eat well together and sometimes Cam will let the baby sleep within a few inches of her.

Obvisiously, the baby isn't such a baby anymore. She's six months old so she's big enough to defend herself. Now they fight. But it seems like the baby is more convinced that it's a game, while Cam seems to be fighting to the death.

But I just want Cam to be nice to her all of the time. After all, it is her daughter. I'd like for them to cuddle up and sleep together the way other cats do. I just want the fighting to stop. I'm not getting rid of either one of them so they must learn to get a long.  


First of all, I would gate both mother and daughter spayed.  This should greatly relieve tensions.

Secondly, cats do not, normally, fight to the death!!!!!  However, they can play very, very roughly with lots of mock fighting, noise, and even some loose fur.  As long as there is no blood drawn and no abscesses, they are doing fine.

Cats have very tough skin (just watch your vet vaccinate one of them), and so what would badly scratch people may have no effect on the cat.

I have two rules about cat interactions:  (1) Humans do not understand the rules and (2)  Humans should never interfere.

If they are playing chase (even if it ends up in "fighting"), if they are grooming each other (even if it ends up in "fighting"), if they are eating together, if they are having no litter pan issues, then they are, indeeed, getting along rather well.

If they are both spayed, after a few weeks, even this should improve.

Best regards... Norm.