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Pet cat for our home

20 16:41:51

Fifteen years ago, I had a neighbor who had a Cornish Rex.  It
was friendly, and had a striking appearance.  I've since heard
there are similar breeds which do not shed much and have
similar hair/fur patterns.
I'd like to get either a Cornish Rex or a Devon Rex or a similar
breed with little shedding and an unusual appearance.  Probably
the single most important factor would be personality.  The cat
has to be loving, friendly, and kid-friendly (my twins are 10 and
my oldest is 12.)  My children and I have always loved animals,
though not my wife.  My wife and I are in the process of divorce,
and I have 50% custody of the children.  I doubt I would show
the animal.  Last time I looked into buying a Cornish Rex, it was
apparent the breeders were not inclined to give me a nice
friendly cat if I wasn't planning on showing.  I'd appreciate any
advice.  I'm wary of getting information from breeders who
advertise on the web to sell the animals.


You should not base your conclusions about breeders by dealing with one breeder.  The bread and butter for most breeders of most pedigreed cats are pet sales.

I would look at

for breeds by state.

Also, another way to look at breeds is to go to a cat show.  You can get a good listing of these by checking out

and navigating to cat shows and onto show schedules.  These shows are listed by date and by zip code within date.

Best regards... Norm