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cat buisness


my six month old kitten has started soiling behind a chair and ripping up the carpet is there anything i can do to stop him from doing this?


You need to try to figure out why he is doing this.

There could be a physical problem like worms or impacted anal glands, for which you will need to see your vet.

There could be a behavioral problem like a new addition to the household, starting to feel macho (hormones), change in the type or brand of litter.

In any case, you will need to clean the area with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors (available from most pet supermarkets or farm stores).  You can try putting down aluminum foil (fasten it with duct tape), to see if that will stop the behavior temporarily, and get to the root cause of the behavior.

Read the articles in the link to get some ideas about what might be going on.

It may also be that neutering him may be all he needs!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.