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adopted mom and kittens


Hi there.  We adopted a mom and 2 11-week-old kittens from the pound.  The kittens are still nursing some, but also eating food and using litter box.  They will all let us handle them and are responsive when petted, but aren't really interacting with us and run and hide from us a lot. The kittens will play when tempted.  They have been in the house a week.  We separated them the first few days but then put them back together.  I am wondering if we should separate them again to complete the weaning process and get them to interact with us more. If so, for how long?  Or should I just give them more time to get used to their new home together?

Don't worry, it is their age.  They, like most human babies, are going through a stage.  As they mature, they will turn to you more and more. It is just a time for sibling play and people are not that important right now!  38 years of breeding have taught the truth of this.
