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Cat wiping bottom after a bowel movement


My 10 year old cat passes a bowel movement in her litter tray and comes out and wipes her bottom on either the couch or the carpet leaving marks

I have had her anal glands attended to and got her wormed and the behaviour continues

I think it may be a behaviour problem but I  don't know what to do  next.


Hi Kristine.  It sounds like your kitty feels she has a dirty bottom when she leaves the litter tray, and this may be a sign her stools are a little on the soft side.  I would recommend adding a little fiber to her diet to see if this will help things.  The best way that I have found to do this is to add some pea baby food to their canned food.  This seems to be the most palatable.  A teaspoon or two per meal is fine.  Canned pumpkin also works fine but the cats don't seem to like it as well.  If you only feed dry food, you can try sprinkling a fiber supplement powder over her food.  I'm not sure which products you have in the UK.  Here in the US, we have Citrucel and Metamucil (methylcellulose and psyllium), for example.  These are two good supplements, safe to use in cats, that can help firm up stools.  

Also, if your kitty is overweight, discuss a safe weight loss plan with your vet.  Your kitty may be resorting to using your carpet to clean her bottom because grooming herself in the traditional way is too difficult.  Obese cats have trouble reaching their hind quarters to clean themselves.

Best wishes!
