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Cat miscarrying


Hi Teresa, My 1 year old cat was about 3 weeks pregnant. She disappeared for 10 days, which is totally out of character. When she came back she had lost so muh weight and seemed very weak. She ate normally and rested and then seemed fine. However last night she began to bleed and miscarried a tiny kitten fetus. She is fine again, acting normally, eating and sleeping etc.. Could she still be pregnant with other kittens? I'd heard that sometimes just one or two are miscarried.
Many thanks Helen x

Hi Helen, so are you saying she would be about 5 weeks along in her  pregnancy right now?? It is possible to miscarry one kitten and then continue with a pregnancy.. but that is rare. If she is weak and thin I would get her checked by a vet and find out what is going on. You wouldn't want to lose her and it sounds like you have a sick cat that is at high risk for more serious problems. Teresa