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My cat keeps mewwing.

20 16:41:36

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Question -
Hello Lisa.

We have a cat she is 14 years old and has always been a lap cat mad about people, my problem is that she never stops mewwing she gets us out of bed in the morning and when we sit to eat she just wont stop.
She never seems to have eaten enough because even when she has just had her food she starts again when we eat, if i go in the kitchen at any time she gets up and follows me and starts once more.
It is driving me mad so any tips or info welcome.

Kind regards.
Answer -
you just have a very vocal cat. i have one of those myself. nothing wrong with her health, nothing wrong at all, and she is constantly following me and wanting to eat what i have. its just a vocal demanding cat. you will just have to learn to live with it and try to tune some of her crying out.

I was very worried that she may have worms because the food problem is not normal like i said she eats her food and then starts on for more food, how can you see if she has worms and what should i do about it if she has, you may think it funny that i ask but if i go to the vet in Amsterdam it cost a small fortune and you are not always sure that the vet has the answers so just want any info before going to vet.
Kind regards. Adrian.

really the only type of worm that you can see yourself is tapeworm. look around her little butthole and if you see what looks like little pieces of rice, then she has tapeworm. the vet can give you a pill that will take care of that and you shouldnt even need to take the cat in for that, just call and say you see the shed segments and need the pill for it. the only other way to find out if she has worms is to take a stool sample to the vet so they can look at it under a microscope and then medicate accordingly.