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QUESTION: Tilly adopted us a few weeks ago and 4 days ago presented us with 3 kittens!  
So far so good.  Today however she has started behaving strangely. She keeps coming for a hug and lying in front of me showing her, still fat!, belly and wanting to be stroked.  She has not made any sounds, as she usually does if she wants more food.  She has looked after her babies wonderfully and they seem to be thriving ok.  She still seems quite fat, but the fat sides are very soft and flabby, not like they were when she was pregnant.  It took her a long time to have her babies, 12 hours in fact, one at 7.30 a.m. one at 10.30 am and the last at 6.45 pm.
What I was wondering was, is this behaviour normal after a few days, she has practically ignored us up to now since the kittens came.


It sounds normal to me.  Usually, for the first few days, the mamas are very protective of the newborns and spend all their time with them.  As the kittens fatten up and are less demanding, mamas often begin to wander a bit more.

She sounds to me as if she did very well having her kittens.  As lonmg as they are fat and roly poly, they are doing well.

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for that.  It was reassuring.  This morning she moved the babies from the lovely warm nest she had in the drawer in the spare room to the bottom of my husband's wardrobe!  Smelly shoes and old leather hat and all!  Not very comfy.  Would it be OK for me to put a box with some bedding in there for her, or will she then move them again!  She is still not totally "tame" having lived on her own for so long, at least 4 years that we know of.


I am sorry I am a bit late getting to this.  Cats like something den like to keep their babies in.  It sure sounds like the bottom of your husband's wardrobe fits the bill.  If mama is happy there, I would leave things alone. There is alwasy the danger that is you fiddle with them, she may move them again.

Best regards... Norm.