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Meowing at night


QUESTION: I have a 3 1/2 cat who in the last few months has been meowing about 1/2 hr after we go to bed. Its a none stop "meow" one after another. I was once told it could be a hearing problem, but i cant see it. I call to her and she runs up stairs jumps on our bed and gives me a happy chirp. It only on average one a week but i would like to know why she dose this. Is it because she dosent know where i am (she never leaves my side when i'm home). I didnt move into a new hosue about 9 months ago with my fiance and she grew up with me and my parents before that.
Could you let me know why she dose this?

ANSWER: Hello Stacey,

Your right to think that it probably is'nt a hearing problem. And if she was a geriatric cat then I would suspect cognitive decline (senility) could be a causing factor. But with the small amount of information I have I would suspect this is a case of an over-attachment problem that is being reinforced.

Cat's learn to display particular behaviours towards their owners to elicit a desired response from them, for example, many owners find that their cat will have a different meow or other vocalisation for when they require certain things. My cat for example meows very loudly and lengthy when she wants food, and she does a little chirrup at me when she wants to play, she has learned that these different vocalisations work with me to get the particular thing she wants!.

A cat that relies heavily on their owners for all their resources, for example, food, water, play and company, will form what is known as an over-attachment to them, and find it sometimes distressing and worrying when they are left alone. Your cat may be suffering a little from this. But the main problem you have here is that she has learned that when she does'nt want to be alone and wishes to be in your bedroom with you, meowing constantly results in you calling her into the room where she will get attention and feel happy. This behaviour will stop if you stop reinforcing it. All you have to do is ignore her attempts to get you to call for her and you will find after a short space of time she will cease doing it, because it no longer gives her a result. It's also interesting to note that kittens will call in this way for their mother as a way of informing her where they are, when they are in distress, wanting food, or simply wanting her to return to the nest and when they vocalise in this way the queen will call back to them and return. This has some relevants to the behaviour your cat is showing towards you.

I hope this has helped you a little, and try to do some research on unintentional reinforcement and feline over-attachment issues as I think this will help you to understand a little more and give you more advice on how to deal with behavioural issues due to these things.

Thank you


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Ok i'll look that up. Also shes always begging for food! Shes 1 lbs overweight ( my mom comes over and gives her treat like there reg food). We put her on Vet diet food feeding her 1/4 a cup for breakfast and the same size for supper. but she wont stop begging 1 hr after she ate. she even will still have food in her bowl! she'll only meow for food when i'm in the kitchen. i dont give in to her but every 2 or 3 days she'll get one treat. we also got a puppy a few months ago as well. so i'm feeling all this may steam off jelousy, shes been my one any only for 3 years. I try not to spend all of my time with the pup and i still play with her alot. do you think this is also feline over-attachment issues?

She may suffer a little from over-attachment, but your main issue here is serious reinforcement issues. If your cat keeps meowing at you, you give her food or attention. Why would she stop doing this when she's getting attention and what she wants from you!

This is simple Stacy, you need to stop reinforcing her behaviour and it will stop. Trust me!

Thank you
