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senior cat urinating problems


Question geriatric cat zuni, 17.5 yrs. old, slept under the covers with me last night because the room was colder than usual. Middle of the night I feel warmth and wetness on my back and sure enough she pee'd in her sleep. Then again in the morning by my socks. This sock spot is a place where she has pee'd in the past. She does have a urinary tract infection now.  She's been on antibiotics for about 10 days for it. 10 to go. Is this a bad sign?  PLease help...I'm so concerned. Is there anything I can give her to help?   Thanks much.

Hi Cindy.  Poor Zuni!  Most likely, this is just because of her urinary tract infection, and as she finishes up her antibiotics, you will see her incontinence clear up.  But I don't think there's anything you can give her to help in the meantime.  However, you could put a call in to the vet.  Some cats will begin to develop incontinence as they age, and there are some medications that can be given if incontinence is deemed due to aging and not to a medical condition.  Phenylpropanolamine or diethylstilbestrol can encourage the urinary sphincter to hold stronger.