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My cat eats plastic bags


I would like to know if you could answer this question...

"Is it considered normal for a cat to be drawn to chewing and eating plastic bags?"

Is it a symptom of anxiety or could it be a nutritional deficiency?  She also enjoys chewing on my vased flowers.  I cannot keep any flowers inside my home in a vase or she will eat them!  
She will go to great lengths to consume both bags and flowers/plants.

Can you tell me why a cat with an otherwise healthy diet and quiet environment behave so strangely?

Thank you so very much.


Cats eating plants (including flowering plants) is well known.  The theory is that it helps them throw up hair balls (which I really doubt), cats just chew on grass, catnip, etc.  The danger is making sure cats do not get into plants that are poisonous to them.  Check out:

As to the plastic, I have two cats that do that, and, NO, it is not normal!!!!!.  Their diets are excellent and there is no obvious anxiety, yet they still have plastic bag fetishes.  So, my solution is to keep the plastic bags out of harm's reach.  I wish I know why they are "into" plastic bags, but I do not.  I am sorry I cannot be of more assistance on the plastic bag thing!!!!!

Best regards... Norm.