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Kitten/young adult


My older cat is 2 yrs old. We got a kitten, which is about 12 weeks.
They get along great (both males, older one is fixed) My older one is always grooming the little one and playing. The little one tries to nurse on him and he just lets him.

As of late, the older one holds the little one down and is meowing at him, sorta like bawling him out.  Then lets go and sits back looks at him.  If the little one gets up he does it again. Holds him down complaing at him.  Then after the session he licks or grooms the little one..  

What exactly is going going on? Please help. I'm not sure if I should intervene or not.

Hi Diana,

They are just settling the hierarchy. Don't do anything. I have two who do the same. They are older in age but still do the grooming then semifight. It doesn't last long and no one gets hurt. They then forget about it and are best buds until the next time. Just let them do their thing.  The only time to worry is if they seem to get in a full blown fight; then use a spray bottle on them. Again they will forget and be great buds. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen