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2 Kittens


Last week I got a new kitten. He settled in amazingly and is very afectionate.
Today we were asked to take his sister (from the same litter) as well, as the
owners why had planned to take her couldn't.
Assuming that they would know each other well already we took her in, but
the lil guy we got last week won't stop attacking her.
I don't know is he trying to play with his sister, or defend his room. But it
seems a little nasty, and she is scared enough in a new place.
Any suggestions? They grew up together, and were only seperated for a week.

Hi Alanna,

Yes he is defending his territory. Bring her into the room in a cat carrier. This will allow him to get used to her scent without hurting her. You will be able to let her out after a couple of days. They still will spar a little but don't worry.  Give them a week or so and they will be back to what they were before being separated. Since they are kittens this process will be fast. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen