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My outdoor cats are


my outdoor 2 cats r fighting hard. They are bothers and have been fixed. Looks so bad that my wife has to spray them with water. They come back later to eat and look to be ok. Then they go at it again. Thanks for your help and time.


First of all, are they drawing blood?  If not, it may be more rough play than fighting. Cats have very, very tough skin and often use biting and scratching behaviors as part of their play.

The other possibility is that a new cat has invaded their territory, and they are in fight/fright/flight mode.  When cats are in this mode they forget everything but fleeing or fighting.

However, if there are no signs of battle damage, I would assume the first case rather than the second. Again, if there is no harm to each other, I would ignore it, since, when you or your wife are not around, there is no one to spray them with water, and, they are still not killing each other.  Sometimes, doing nothing is the best thing to do. Since they are outdoor cats, unless you can be on them all the time, they are going to do what they are going to do when you are not there.  So, I would just ignore things, unless one or the other shows real damage.  Even so, it may not be due to the brother, but some other cat.

The places to look for battle damage are the face (including the ears) and the tail, especially the base.

Best regards... Norm.