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IBD and Tylosin


I have kitten that is 7 mons old and on  Tylosin and need to stop the diarrhea, how much Immodium can I gave him?  his weigh is 8lbs

Hi Patty.  The dosage for cats is .04 mg per pound.  This means for an 8 lb cat, he should get .32 mg every 8 hours.  So, if you're using regular 2 mg Immodium tablets, he should get no more than 1/4 tablet three times a day.  You may want to start him on 1/8 tablet to see if that's effective.  If you're using regular liquid Immodium, he'd get 2.5 ml, or 1/2 a teaspoon.  Cats usually object to the taste, so I recommend using the tablet form.  As always, you should check with your vet before using any medication.

Hope he's feeling better soon!
