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cat poop


My female cat is 5 years old. Lately she has been pooping and urinating everywhere. she knows it wrong because she hides. Her poop is soft, but not runny. The colour is greenish with the mix of brown in it. Additional information -nothing in the house the changed and she still pees in the litter box.
Please assist.
Thank you

Hi Lorena,

The number one cause of what you describe is her having a problem with defecating. Usually it is caused by constipation. She is having pain when she goes. Cats associate the pain with the litter box. And being clean animals they will go right next to the box. She may have had an episode of constipation. Or she may have something else going on now. Have you vet check her out. Take a sample of her bowel movement. And if you can, get a video of her going to show the vet.

Next you need to clean the area she is using with a good enzymatic urine and feces cleaner. This will remove all odors that are left attracting her back to that area. You can also try changing the litter material itself. Try using a non clay type. This should help. You can also get some of this stuff.

Works good. The vet visit will help clear the reason why she is doing this. The other stuff will help her get back to using the pan. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen