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Pregnant Cat and male cat


Dear Karen,

I seem to have a slight problem. I currently have a pregnant cat, she's to the vet and been checked out and has been given the all clear. However, I have a male cat who is now in line to get sprayed, but all of a sudden i'm finding cat pee in my room and in alot of places. Mainly at the bottom bed on the floor. I heard that because the female cat is pregnant the male cat will start spraying in order to mark his territory? He has also done this in the living room a few times. I was just wondering if this is true? or could it be the female cat because she wants to ward him off? I also have a couple of additional questions about the pregnancy. Jack is the male cat and i'm wondering if he will have a problem with the liter that my female cat (Romy) is going to have because I am a little concerned he may attack her or the kittens. In addition to this he still having sex with her! I'm trying to keep him off her as much as i can so much so when i look at him while he's doing it he runs away. Is it going to cause any harm to the kittens? If so i'm going to keep them seperate at all times. I'm also concerned because his spray date is a few weeks off. Is it ok to spray him just now? Also can she get pregnant while still pregant? I know thats a silly question, but my knowledge in that area is limited unfortunatly. I know i have asked mulitiple questions, but this does all relate to her pregnancy.

Thanx very much for looking :)

Hi Denis,

You can take Jack to get neutered now. Also have the vet check him and see if he has an urinary tract infection. This could cause some of the spraying. Make sure you clean the areas he has sprayed with a good enzymatic urine cleaner. This will help him returning to the scene of the crime. Neutering him will take care of a lot of your problems with him.

Cats can be pregnant from multiple fathers. But that is only during when she is in heat. If she pregnant she can't get pregnant again. Get Jack fixed. Your life will be a lot simpler. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen