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HELP! Urgent!!!


One of my female cats had a single kitten about 4 weeks ago. The kitten was flourishing. Now, all of a sudden it seems to have stopped eating. It can barely meow, it is latheragic, and has a hard time moving. It is noticably smaller also. We have tried to feed it milk bought at the store for small animals. I am afraid the kitten is going to die. What do we do? Do you have any idea what is wrong?

Go on and check for fading kitten syndrome. that may be the cause. Take a look at for example. You mention milk for small animals - you should be feeding milk for kittens specifically, anything else will not have the right nutrition. And at that age you need to be feeding every three hours or so. At this point, make these changes but also get hime to a vet right away. Other possible problems include worms and that needs immediate treatment. Many other problems could be the casue and may need medications so you must get to a vet right away.