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antibodics for my hurt cat


my cat has gotten into a fight with something another cat I think she was a recuse kitten and we have had her for 3 years.  I know I can't give her pain meds like dogs - I have 4 and I have doxycycline 100 mg I took 1 capusal and dissolved in milk and gave 1/2 of it to her yesterday and 1/2 today.  She has a raw spot on one of her front paw (like a rug burn) my husband thinks she got scraped up fighting on the pavement or that is what it looks like she was limping yesterday but seems much better today.  My husband has been the hospital this week or I would have been able to get her to animal aid we moved to a new place about 7 months ago and we are all adjusting I believe there are feral cats in this area - is this dose and meds  ok I just don't wont the wound to get infected.  Thank you.

Hi Catherine,

First off Doxycycline shouldn't be mixed with milk. And the dosage should be adjusted according to your cats weight. I would use a triple antibiotic ointment instead. Wash the area first and then apply the ointment. Apply it 2-3 times a day. This should take care of it. If it doesn't get better in a few days then take her to the vet. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen