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mamaa milk


I have a mama cat who had 5 kittens, they are all gone now but it has just been 7 wks? My ? is, her milk bags are full, she runs around at times meowing loudly I'm sure she is uncomfortable is there something I can put on her that will help her dry up?  Natalie


I need a clarification on the timing.  If the kittens have been gone for 7 weeks, then the milk should be gone.  Usually, two weeks after the kittens are off the mama, the milk will "bag" up, i.e., become hard.  If this is not happening, could someone else be suckling on her unbeknownst to you?  After the milk bags up, it will be absorbed on its own accord in a couple of more weeks.

The meowing may be that she is looking for her kittens.  How old were they when they were weaned?  How long have the kittens been gone?

Best regards... Norm.