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pregnancy & sexual desire


She came to me on October 9th looking pregnant. Its now January 13th and her tummy is big but she became very sexually stirred up for the last 4 days. A male cat was around calling her. She called back. Today she is quiet but still loving & playful. I am on edge because she hasn't had her babies yet & I know it's been too long.
Should she have desire while being pregnant ?
Is it possible for her to be pregnant this long ?
What do I do now ??? Sincerely, on the edge of my seat w/ Love.


Cat gestation is normally 65-67 days with 63 days being a normal minimum and 69 days being a normal maximum. Thus if she was pregnant October 9th, she is well past due.  If she really was pregnant and had not delivered, by now she would be exhibiting symptoms of medical issues as the dead kittens festered inside of her.  So, I doubt very much she was ever pregnant.  

When cats have been bred, they may remain in season for up to a week, buit as long as they are pregnant, they are not going to let a male breed them and they will not come into season.  What can happen is that something goes wrong dusing the pregnancy and they reabsorb the kittens, after which they may well come into heat.

I would take her into the vet to have her checked out medically and also to get her spayed.

Best regards... Norm.