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Bangel Cat


My daughter was given a bangel cat and now we know why.  She has bowel control issues.  she has been to the vet and has had tests to see if there were any parasites, etc. that would cause her to have this problem.  (she's missing one test that we will have done this week).  I have read that they have very sensitive systems and cannot eat any fish, milk or corn products.  I have been buying her expensive foods and have added pumpkin to it which has help somewhat however, she still has some issues.  Any suggestions?  If you don't know much about these cats, do you have a lead for me?  If we can't fix this problem soon, I'm afraid she will be euthanized.  Since my daughter and her family live next door to me, she not only poops on her patio and patio furniture but also on ours and my husband is at wits end!.  If we can't fix this, I am hoping to find someone who knows these cats and will take her in.  She is smart, loving and lonely since she has to live outdoors 12 months out of the year.  Please help me save her life!!!!!


One intestinal parasite that vets often do not test for is Tritrichomonus Foetus.

Your vet can research this disease at:

You can download a lay person's guide to this diseases from:

In the last few years this disease has been discovered in domestic felines.  Some of the first reports were in Bengals.  Testing is now possible (although the vet needs to be very thorough and look in the corners and edges of the test pouch whenever a culture is done, since the organism likes to hide in these places in the test pouch).

Many cases of what vets call "Irritable Bowel Syndrome" has turned out to be T. Foetus.

I would test the Bengal for this.  The guide referenced above also discusses treatment.

Please let me know what you find.

Best regards... Norm.