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Strange Movment



I have a cat that is experiencing the same symptoms as described in the post to Jessica. I checked the suggested disorder and it is NOTHING like what my cat experiences. I only witness these movements when she is resting. She isn't sleeping, just resting, sitting or laying down. She usually stretches out. She will extend her neck, contract her front legs. The movement is in her upper body only (chest, front legs, neck). It's almost the same movement that a person makes when they are cold? Kind of like a long shiver. Any input would be appreciated. It seems to interfere with her sleep and ability to get comfortable.


As long as it is not interfering with anything, it might be OK.  There is always the off chance that your cat is seizing, I would discuss this with your vet.

The human "chill response" can be misinterpreted as a seizure, so you may have to question your vet if that is what they think.

Best regards... Norm.