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Bad behavior after neutering


My daughter's 8 month old male cat was neutered 1 month ago.  Since then he is not the same cat.  He no longer wants to be petted and has started biting when picked up.  He has had a lot of illness from the time she got him and has had several seizures due to fever.  She suspected he had a UTI and took him to the vet, who due to the cats aggressiveness (he hates the vet now), was unable to examine him.  The vet sedated him and determined that he did have a UTI and gave an antibotic shot.  He also suggested that while the cat was asleep that he go on an neuter since they were planning on doing that later anyway.  My daughter is at a loss as what to do since he is so mean now.  Certainly is not an enjoyable pet any longer, yet she loves him.  Any suggestions?

Hi Carla,

Wow, her cat isn't mean because of the neutering; he's afraid because of all the stuff done to him. Did your vet give him any pain meds for him for after his neutering? If he didn't the cat may be associating your daughter with all the pain he went through. Just think for a moment; he was put in a cat carrier, (no cat likes that). The vet tried to examine him. He was given multiple shots. He was sedated. He was neutered. And then your daughter got him back into the cat carrier while he was in pain and brought him home. I would say that he fears your daughter now. This why he acts mean. He is protecting himself against any more pain.

Your daughter will need to win his trust over again. She needs to give him treats so he associates her with good stuff. No picking him up. He will swat. She needs some quiet time with him. She has to talk to him quietly. He will eventually return to his normal self. But this is going to need some time. I would also suggest getting some Feliway Comfort Zone. This will help him relax. And also this stuff or something like it. This will do wonders for him.

Once you start to do these things he will come around. You just need some time. Good luck and take care.

Ciao, Karen