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9 week old siamese


We just adopted 2 kittens last week, a male and a female. The female, annie, is 8 weeks old and the male, zac, is 6 weeks old. They have the same father but different moms. I have been keeping them in a small bathroom in our master bedroom, but my "husband" likes to let them venture out into our bedroom when I am not home. Everytime he does this the female pees on the floor near the bathroom where the litter box is. The thing is that she scratches the floor and then backs up to the wall and then pees...I am thinking that she needs to stay in the small room for a couple of weeks until she learns her bearings of where she is...What do you think?


I think that you are right. The kitten that pees when out of a controlled situation needs to be watched more carefully in a small controlled area. If the kitten is house soiling in the small room, I would suggest that you take her to the vet and have a urine test done to rule out a bladder infection. I would also use an enzymatic cleaner to clean the areas that she has soiled so that she doesn't make the same mistake based on smell. Keep an eye on this kitten and make sure that she is eating, drinking, and using the litter box, it may mean that one kitten is ready to come out and the other is not. You may also have too few litter pans, the rule of thumb that I like to follow is one litter box per cat plus one. Make sure that at least while the kittens are small they don't have to travel far to use a box, because little kittens sometimes have bladder control issues kind of like little kids. Good luck with your new little family members. Please do not hesitate to contact me again with further questions or concerns.