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drooling/runny nose


i found a cat about one years of age, i know for a fact she has had
her luekima shoots.
but she is drooling plus has a runny nose, i know she needs to see a vet, but i was woundering what i could do for her till then?

This sounds immediately like she might have an issue with her gums/teeth, and may have an abcess that has infected her sinuses (hence the runny nose). She most likely will not let you rummage around her mouth, since it will be sore, and she could also still be eating and drinking, in spite of any mouth pain.

I also had to deal with one of my cats, several years ago, who had a case of Giardia infestation, an internal parasite. She was drooling worse than a St. Bernard, and had a really bad case of runny nose, so much so that she sounded like she was snoring.

I don't know what to advise you to do until she sees a vet (pretty hard what with the holiday and all), but the vet will most likely put her on antibiotics. If caught early enough, she will recover perfectly.

Good luck.