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cat stuck under garage 30 min


My 6 year old cat got his head stuck under garage door for 20-30 min, He is breathing, wanting to eat n drink, but his gait is off, he seems to know his name. im worried about brain damage, how long before he gets back to normal or would he ever recover? No bones broken seems like, he can move his head fine and eating. I do not have the money to take him to the vet for any medical needs. How long will he live like this, or should i put down.


Without taking him to a veterinarian, there is no way of knowing whether or not he has permanant damage.  I would give it about a week and see how he is before taking any action at all. Normally, if a cat has good quality of life, is eating, using the litter pan, etc., it would NOT be a candidate for being put down.

Best regards... NOrm.