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Unweaned kittens


Can u feed a premature kitten human infant formula

No, only feed unweaned kittens kitten formula.  This comes in either the powdered form that you mix up or the canned formulation which is stinkier and gives them looser, smellier stools.  I use the powder formulation.  Be sure you only mix up enough for that day, and always refigerate what you don't use.  The most common is KMR which you can buy at Petsmart or Petco, or even your local pet store.  Be sure that you buy the bottle set and contact a vet for the proper amount for the age of the kitten.  You have to bottle feed between 4 and 6 times a day.  Never heat up the formula in the microwave, you need to heat up some water in a cup or mug and then let the bottle with the formula sit in the water until it is warm.  Always test the temperature with your finger before feeding, and remember overfeeding is just as bad as underfeeding, so make sure you follow the instructions and feed the right amount each time of the day.  Good luck, and let me know if you have any more questions!

Best regards,