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Snow Bengal changing homes


Hello. I have a snow Bengal, Pari, approximately 9 years old, and right now she is living with my parents. However, I would love to take her with me to my apartment I will be living with my boyfriend in. There, she will be 100% indoor cat, where she had a little area outside at my parents house. I have heard stories, such as with Siamese that they do not travel well. I am wondering if you think Pari will transfer well. I don't want to take her if it will cause her any type of stress. I am not sure if snow Bengals don't like to change lifestyles. Also, I have lived with her when I was in high school so she is familiar with me. If you have any opinion about this that would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you,
 Alyssa :)

Hi Alyssa,

ok you asked for my opinion,

I personally think that the journey is not the problem here but the fact that they will be confined as a 100% indoor cat after being able to go outside previously. especially as she is a snow Bengal a very active breed.

Cats are essentially wild animals and retain all their instincts even if they become pets. they are so different from dogs and need to be independent and be able to carry out their instincts. They don't rely on humans like dogs do and although they are quite happy being with us and allowing us to provide food and comfort from them they still need their freedom.

Cats can become very stressed easily and this will effect their behavior ie urination, middening, scratching, crying, aggression etc. I get asked every day about these behavior issues from other cat owners and most of them can be put down to change of circumstances and stresses the cats come across. So i would say to you and i know you won't like this, but if your cat is happy where it is and is able to have its little bit of freedom outside, then moving him to an apartment might not be advisable.

I wish you all the best in your new home
