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Cat hair loss.



I have a black cat Brazillia with short hair that looks like a Bengal cat from pictures I've seen. She is about 9 months old. Maybe older since I rescued her from an abusive situation. The past week or so (that I've noticed)she has been excessively losing hair on her front paws or really legs. Also on her back inner thighs. I have another cat which looks like a Manx because of no tail that has long hair. And two dogs both Terriers. The patches have no puss, redness, bumps, crust, or anything! Just no Hair!! Now sometimes the other cat bites Brazillia but I've never seen her bite the patches missing hair. I've been putting an anti-fungal cream on it too. Is that okay?

thank you for your help.



It's tough to say what's causing your cat's hair loss. There are so many reasons for cats to suddenly go bald in patches like Brazillia's. I would recommend that you have her assessed by your family veterinarian as soon as possible to find out whether she has a thyroid issue, food/environmental allergies, anxiety, allergies to fleas, mange, etc. Your vet may require blood work to determine the cause of this sudden hair loss. I would avoid putting anything on these bald spots without a vet's recommendation because there is a possibility that you may do more harm than good with your well intentioned care.