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I plan to travel over 1200 miles with my two cats.  They don't even like a trip to the vet a few minutes away.  What do I do to keep them comfortable.  I plan on being in the car about six hours a day for 3-4 days.  I have carriers that are big enough for them to turn around in. Can they wait to use a litter box 6 hrs and what about water, food, etc.  

Hi, I would start out your trip with the cats in their carriers and then about 3-4 hours into the trip I would let them out loose in the car and have a litterbox and water dish on the floor for them so they can relieve themselves and have a drink. Then do the same thing again 3 hours later. By the second day you should be able to leave them loose in the car which makes for a much more pleasant trip for them. I do not recommend tranquilizers for cats as the strange effect of them will often panic a cat. There are some holistic sprays that produce a calming effect so you might want to look into one of those products. Most cats if they don't like to travel will just sit on the floor of the car for the trip and not move too much.
Just remember they need breaks just like you do.