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my cat died


Hello Norman. My name is Danielle. I had a three year old cat called Toby. Not the friday just gone but the friday before he was run over and died. My vet said there wasn't a scratch on him. She said it was probably an internal injury that was the reason he died. Normally I am alot happier the week after a person or pet dies but in the case of Toby I am not happy at all. I now have a puppy called Chance but Toby didn't deserve that. I feel it's my fault Toby died. I know death is a part of life but I'm not coping well without Toby and I just need a bit of reasurence. I tried getting help to deal with the emotions but that hasn't helped, if anything it has made me feel worse. Thank you so much.


I am sorry for your loss of Toby.  I know there is nothing I can say to make you feel better.  I do know what it is like to lose a treasured pet and the grief felt after wards.  The grief will pass.

Do not look at Chance as a replacement for Toby but a pet in his own right.

As to fault, there is no benefit to assigning guilt or fault for Toby's death.  It is just one of those things that happens in life.

I know you will feel better in time.

Sad regards... Norm.