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Long hair kittens



I bought a kitten from a hobby breeder who told me the kitten is ragdoll and maine coon mix.  I expected it to be a long hair cat, but at 10 weeks, it looks like a short hair.  I asked the vet today when I took her in for shots, and he thought she looked like your basic American short hair.  I think I recall reading or hearing somewhere that the "second coat" of long hair doesn't come in until about 4 months of age.  Is that true?  The breeder showed me a photo of the father, who was a long hair, and showed me a larger and older kitten from the same father but another litter that looked just like this cat, but indeed had long hair.  Am I worrying for nothing, or was I scammed?  I really wanted a long hair cat!


It is possible that the coat just has not yet come in.  However, must Longhair kittens I have seen are pretty fuzzy at 10 weeks of age.

By 4 months of age, you will know whether this hobby breeder was honest or not!!!!!.

Best regards... Norm.