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unable to get hold of cat


hi there,
its me again. well, your suggestion was tried by me and my family many a times. unfortunately, the cat is very wild and does not allow us to touch her though she comes over to our place everyday and is very friendly to my own two cats.( both neutered and spayed respectively)we have tried catching her in a trap, but she was too smart for us. one day we managed to catch her but she was so wild in the trap that we had to release her as she was hurting herself. the vet. adviced us not to give her any sleeping pill either. we understand your concern and  I agree with it a 100%. but as far as getting her to the vet is concerned, its not possible for sometime. especially since she is pregnant again. so can you think about some other way to persuade her for getting in the cat carrier without being wild? heeeeelp!

If you know there is a certian time she generally shows up, I suggest you just leave the carrier out with some comfy bedding and some treats inside. When you see her go in, close it and IMMEDIATELY cover the carte completely with a blanket, towle or sheet. Cove completely so that no light is getting in. She may be a little wild for a moment but the total dark should help. Sometimes its very difficult with wild (feral) cats. But try again; the good deed you are doing will carry forward for years in preventing unwanted and unhealthy kittens. By the way, be cautious of her playing with your cats. I did not realize they were doing that. Since she is a stray she may be carrying parasite or illnesses that can transfer to your cats. If you can catch her, you can have her treated to cure anything she has but meanwhile be safe for your cats sake. Keep me posted.