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cat not peeing in litter box


Hi, I have acquired a cat and she poops in the litter box but does not pee. She is peeing on my rug in the bedroom. I also have a 14 yesr old persian who is not happy that we have antoher feline friend. my new friend uses the upstairs liteer box and there is waste in the box but no clumps so I think it is her. can you tell me why or what I can do. She was abandoned a main Coon, really laid back and sweet. No other behavioral problems with her. thanks so much! debbie

cats use this kind of behavior to convey a message to other cats and to stake their claim on territory. If your cat is new to the house and you already have a cat then this is probably why she is doing it. She feels insecure and needs to make her new world smell of her.
Unfortunately until your cat feels more secure within the home she may want to continue this behavior. You will have to help your cat by spreading her scent around the home for her. Rub a towel over her body then rub the towel around the home, door ways etc. Also see my pages re toilet training below. You may have to use the confined room method for a while to get her out of the habit.

