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My kitten pees and poops outside the litter box


ok we have a kitten roughly around 6months old and he is fixed but he still pee's and poops outside the litter box and my mom wants to get rid of him so my question is how do u stop him from not peeing and poopin o nthe carpets or anywhere else?


Has the kitten ever used the litter box?  There are a bevy of reasons the kitten may not be using the litter box, so I am giving you a link to some excellent articles on litter box problems:

However, one thing you might try is to cage the kitten and provide nothing but litter pans on the floor of the cage (except for food and water), so there is no where else to poop and pee.  Once he gets the process down in the cage, confine him to one room until he gets it right.  Then you can let him roam.

In areas he has messed inappropriately, you need to clean it up with an enzyme based cleaner specifically for pet stains and pet odors (available from most pet supermarkets or farm stores).

Best regards... Norm.