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Newborns with fleas...


My friends kitty gave birth to two kittens about 5-6 days ago.  The momma has fleas but not too bad.  But smaller of the two died just a few days ago.  Now the kitten is INFESTED with fleas!  The owner dose not have too much money, could you suggest anything that could help?

it is vital that the kittens and mother cat are treated for fleas as soon as possible. Fleas can cause severe anaemia in small kittens which can kill them.

there should be flea shampoos available to buy over the counter but the cats all need to be treated with a flea treatment which actually prevents them from breeding and also kills off any still left as well as eggs. Unfortunately the best flea treatments are only available via the vet, however there are some available over the counter which they may want to give a try if money is an issue.


best wishes kate