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caring for abandoned kittens


Hello. About a week ago my boyfriends 9 mth old gave birth to 6 kittens. 2 were still born and 3 just passed away have recently. The mother is not a good mom and is constantly steping on them and moving them (i.e into the litter box, outside, barrells.) and When they want to feed she walks away. I would love to take the last kitten and try my best to nurse it back to health. all the kittens were weak and i was wondering if i would be helping it by taking it away from the mother. I really would like to save this kitten. How?

HI Whitney,
It is best for the kitten to get nourishment from the mother cat.  You can supplement with KMR , which is Kitten Milk Replacement.  You can buy this at pet stores or at your veterinary clinic.  You can also buy little baby bottles.  Call your vet or talk to someone on "Ask the Expets" that is experienced in raising kittens.  I am not a breeder.  You really need to try to get the kitten to nurse, but if she will not, supplemental feedings will keep her alive. I wish I could help you more, but I really feel that you need to talk to someone who is experienced in saving undernourished kittens.  It is imperative that you act quickly, or the kittens will die.  

God Bless,