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1 year old cat missing tooth


I just adopted a cat from a shelther a few days ago. I've noticed that her right canine is missing, but it looks a little red where it should be and like a new tooth may be coming in. She doesn't like me looking at it, so it's hard to tell. She may also be sort of pawing at that part of her mouth, like it's uncomfortable, but maybe I'm just paranoid now.

They told me she was about a year and 2 months old; should she still be losing teeth? And should she have lost her canines by now?

Hi Oleander,

She could have lost her tooth for the same reasons we do. Decay, getting hit, or it could be a late tooth coming in. If she is pawing there she may have an infection going on. You really need to take her to a vet and have her checked out. Good luck.

Ciao, Karen