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CATS/Fleas / allergies / overlicking and chewing off fur


Is aloe SAFE or not for a cat? I DID rub some on my cats last night. I CAN NOT bathe him-he'll freak and it's hard to comb him ..he runs after every comb stroke and he has been incessantly biting and licking lots of hair off. I will try apple cider vinegar later today on a wash cloth and rub as much on him as possible. Is there any SAFE non toxic type anti flea ointment to use or something to do ? I have been fighting fleas all year long. I have 3 cats --all indoor cats and  live in a flea populated area of Florida.


I truly think that the best option is to take your kitties to the vet and get a flea control product that is applied monthly. I don't know that the remedies that you have been using are safe for cats, you may want to address that with your veterinarian as they may know more. The monthly flea control products are very effective and have proven to be reasonably safe to my knowledge. The longer that questionable treatments are used on your cats the harder it is going to be to get rid of the flea bite dermatitis. You should be aware that fleas are not the only cause of hair loss and that it may just be coincidence that the cat has fleas and is losing his hair. It does sound like your kitty is really uncomfortable so the soonest that you can see the vet the better. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me again.