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cat length


We have two young cats, a nine month old female we found abandoned and fostered (she was 2 days old)and six month old silver short hair male(teenagers). They are the same height at the shoulder and the same size in gerth, the male is six inches longer than the female (he is 32 inches and she is 26).my question is: Does he have more vertebra, or are his vertebrae longer than hers?

Hi Richard.  All cats have the same number of true vertebrae - 30 - until you get to the rump.  The tail is comprised of caudal vertebrae, and these can vary in number from cat to cat.  One fully tailed cat may have 16 vertebrae in the tail alone, while another has 24 or perhaps more.  So he could, indeed, have more vertebrae than she does if you're measuring from nose to the tips of their tails.  If you measure their body lengths only and find he's still much longer, it may indicate he's just going to be an all around larger cat on cobbier legs.