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resources for vet care costs


Hi Karen,

In one of Allis' past questions, a cat owner mentioned vet care was difficult for her to afford.  I know what she means.  I have 2 cats that I rescued, but one now needs some care as due to having a brown gooey discharge from both eyes!! He had this when I got him about 2 months ago.  I have been cleaning them with a warm washcloth, but still there.  Can you give me any list in VA of some resources whom may help with discounts on vet fees?  My zip is 24556.  THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Hi Susan,

I don't know of any in the area. I will research this for you. However I may be able to help you with your cat. Try the remedies listed in this article. They may help. I will do the research and see what I can find for you.

Good luck and take care, Karen