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QUESTION: my cat is nearly six month old, i want to make her infertile but very afraid to take her to surgery. i heard of sterilization also work but does it effective and also insure her better health????????
is it safe for her???????? please help........

ANSWER: Kavita,

Yes neutering/spaying a 6 month old kitten is safe.  However, for you and your vet, here is a veterinary web site which gives a good overview and some detailed links to "early age" neutering/spaying.  I am not a vet, but a 6 month old kitten has always been a good candidate for spaying (if a female) and a pretty good candidate for neutering (if a male).


and then look at:

Best regards... Norm.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: I heard from one of the vet doctor that sterilization also work for neutering cats. my question is that does it safe to go for it????????????????


I am not sure what your veterinarian means by sterilization.

The only effective way of neutering a male cat is by removing the testicles. You want to reduce the amount of male hormones very substantially, or the cat will follow many of the not so nice male cat habits like spraying.

The only effective way of spaying a female cat is to remove the ovaries, etc. Like the males, the idea is to eliminate much of the female hormones so that your female cat does not go into season.

Best regards... Norm.