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Cat Shaking Head


Hi Becky,

My cat has been shaking her head for a few weeks, and
scratching her ears a bit as well.  It appears that they are slighly
irritated, but don't seem to be causing a great deal of
discomfort.  I don't see any signs of ear mites - the insides of
her ears are very clean, with no dark discharge characteristic of
mites.  There's no visible problem as far as I can see, nor any
unusual odor that might signify an infection.  Any idea what
could be wrong?  I want to make sure something is the problem
before I take her to the vet.


Hello Alisha,

I think she has mites, it may just be in the early stages.  It is obviously bothering her or she wouldn't be reacting that way.  Mites are microscopic and cannot be seen with the naked eye.  I would take her in and see what the vet says, or at the very least, buy some ear mite meds and administer it.

God Bless,