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Cat - Swollen Eye


Hi there~ My female cat (7 months old) is squinting her eye today. I noticed that the area around her eye is swollen and the tissue in the corner of her eye is covering more area than usual. Only half of her eye is showing. She is laying around a lot today and not being her normal playful self. I have another agressive male cat. Maybe he scratched her or something while I was away? Any ideas? The vet isn't open tonight or tomorrow. Do yo think it can wait until Monday?

If it is just the one eye, then I'm inclined to agree with you about the other cat.  It's certainly possible that he scratched her and caused an ulcer.  Though she is going to be uncomfortable, I'm sure she will be fine to wait until Monday.  Keep a close eye on her though (no pun intended) as sometimes ulcers can rupture.  If her eye becomes cloudy or you see any blood I would take her in to an emergency clinic if there is one available.  I wouldn't recommend putting anything in her eye other than normal lubricating drops.  If her eye starts to tear, you can try putting a warm compress on it, that may help her feel a little better too.
