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dead kittens, mother cat is sick


hi, my cat is losing balance , has fever and swollen breasts,she's losing hair, and sleeping a lot, her kittens died one by one the past 3 days, dark times :(,  she had diarrhea for the past 2 weeks, probably an infection that she passed to her kittens , taking her to a vet is no option for there aren't any here, what's happening to her? is she gonna die too?! her appetite seem fine, please help me, what can i do to save hadew?


I am sorry she lost her litter!!!!!!!!!!

Without a vet, there is no telling exactly what is going on. Remember, I am not a vet. You can try treating the symptoms using an antidiarrhea treatment like kaopectate. My guess is that she has mastitis and, without treatment recovery is doubtful. An antibiotic called Baytril is usually pretty effective for this disease, Baytril is prescription only.

You will just have to watch and see what happens.

Please let me know how she does.

Concerned regards... Norm.