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Cats eye.


My cat's has been exposing it's nictating membrane, i believe, having read up quite a lot about this on the internet, i am aware that she can either be happy, tired, or ill.  i know this is quite diverse, but any ideas what sort of illness are linked to exposed nictating membrane?
she is just a normal cross breed, just under a year old, but showing no other signs of poor health, eating well, and drinking fine.
thanks in advance.  

Hi Jamie.  Honestly, if everything else is fine, it could just be that your cat has a particularly lazy 3rd eyelid.  One of my cats is the same... it DOES open completely, but there are the rare occasions where it stays closed... it looks freaky, doesn't it?  

If she's doing fine otherwise, then I'd say it's just one of those bizzare things that we can only trace down to feline fancy... and there's not much we can do about it.  If, however, her routines change, then I'd give the vet a ring and ask to have her checked out.  If you have to go in, make sure you bring a poop sample so they can run tests.

Good luck!