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Needy cat?


I have 2 7 year old male littermates who had definitey behavioral issues when
I first got them (one was feral), and are still relatively withdrawn--from
everyone but me.  They will hide under the bed all day if someone else is in
my apartment, but they are all over me if I'm alone.  I am okay with this in
general, but for the past 2 weeks, one (the one who was not feral, and who is
particularly attached to me) has been waking me up every morning, well
before I need to get up, and I am EXHAUSTED (I am not good at falling back
to sleep when I've been woken).  He always has food and water, and seems to
only want me awake--he comes onto the bed and meows right at my face.  I
don't really want to lock him out (they will both scratch at my door and
meow), but is this my only option?  I must get a full night's sleep!!

To correct this behavior, I suggest buying a can of Hartz "Stay Off Training Aide" aerosol spray and spraying the entry to your bedroom with it, and the bedroom door itself. Then, for a short time, you must shut them out of the bedroom.

I know you don't want to do that, but it isn't forever. The Stay Off will remind him that during the night, he is NOT supposed to be in your room. Let him play in the room and cuddle with you while it is daylight, or while you are still awake, but as soon as you go to sleep, spray down the door and the entryway, and he will get the point, "Jo's sleeping, I don't need to be in there right now."

After about three weeks, spray the door and the entry way, but leave the door open. I think you'll find that he'll still obey your space and sleep. After a week of that, you may cease using the spray.

Hope this helps!
Pleasant dreams, Jo!