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open sore on cat


I have a cat that has a huge open sore. I believe it came from two "fang" wounds that got infected. I am dead broke, but I fed her a couple of time and she started hanging out. Then I found out that where I live will not allow you to surrender a cat to the animal shelter. So now she is mine. Okay, thats why a vet trip is not possible. I can't remember what over the counter things I can use on her - is there a spray antibiotic? It is getting better, the skin around it is healthy pink, and she will let me touch near it, she is just protective.

I know you are not a vet, as soon as possible I will be getting her to one. Until then, just trying to keep it as clean as possible and see if there is anything else I can do?

Hi Katey,

If she'll let you, swab it with some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball to keep it clean and try to put some antibiotic ointment, like Neosporin or Polysporin, on it.  Don't try to bandage it as it should be allowed to drain.  That's good that its looking better.  If she starts to look lethargic or won't eat then you'll definitely want to get her to a vet for some oral antibiotics.